

  Hi guys, today I would like to tell you about some of my favorite movie and recommend them to you. This movie is "Signs”, and it is about a former reverend who after a tragic accident abandons his beliefs, lives with his two children and his brother in a corn farm, where they begin to experience strange events that everything indicates that they are of extraterrestrial origin. I remember that since I was little this was one of the movies that caused me more fear, but as I grew up, I became more and more fascinated (although I must admit that still causes me fear xd) and thanks to it now movies related to the extraterrestrial world became my favorite. Well, why should you watch it? I think it is a movie that keeps you in tension and intrigue throughout it, the main characters face something that is unknown to them and somehow you feel like you are in their shoes. Many people, including myself, are afraid of the unknown and I think this movie reflects it well in a way and I ca


  Hey guys, today I'm going to talk to you about what kind of advice I would give to a high school student who is going to college. Well, I think I would give more than one piece of advice hahaha. I think one of the most important things when going to college is to be organized, for example, create different folders depending on the subject and there you can keep the different materials that the teachers give you or the homework and assignments.   That way, if you need to study something special, you will know where to look for it. Maybe for some people this is the most obvious thing in the world, but for me it wasn't at the beginning, and I suffered a lot because of my mess :( Another piece of advice would be. Don't get frustrated! When you get into college you realize how different it is from high school, and you start comparing yourself to your peers. "Why do they know that, and I don't?" "I can't keep up with the course" "I'm stu


  Hi guys, today I am going to tell you what I think about religion. Well, to begin with you can say that my family is Christian, both my parents and my siblings were baptized, and we made our first communion. At the beginning I considered myself a Christian but as time went by that changed. I think it all started when at my first communion, when I had to receive the host, I remember that both my teacher and my mom told me that I didn't have to make faces but let me tell you that I didn't like the combination between the wine and the host. I'm sorry but I couldn't help but make a disgusted face. I was a kid, don't blame me haha. Later they scolded me for that XD Nowadays I'm not a believer, but I respect all people and their different beliefs, I'm not the one to judge them. Religions are so diverse and complex, they make me wonder a lot of things, like if deities really exist in this world and watch us from up there. I would really like to learn about them

Healthcare System

Hi guys, today I will tell you what I think about the healthcare system in our country. We know that health is a right, but unfortunately in many cases it is a privilege to have access to it. An event that proved it to me was when in 2020 I was diagnosed with chronic lichenoid pityriasis, which is a skin disease in which small scabs appear on the body that cause some itching and that can only be treated with radiotherapy.   There was only one place in downtown Santiago where I could have the treatment. It was then that the obstacles began to appear. This meant that I had a long way to go, be treated in a place that charged a high fee for only being inside a machine for two minutes, and I had to do this three times a week. If everything went well, I would have to do all this for a month, but if not, I would have to prolong my treatment. As much as I asked for an alternative treatment for my illness, the doctors told me it was the only way, so I had to postpone it. I didn't hav

Blog 1 - Politics

  Hi guys, today I want to say why I think voting is important. I think over the years in our country, you can see how less, and less people are voting, but in the end, this is not the fault of the citizens, but rather it is because there is no civic education as such.   So, at the end of the day, many prefer not to practice their right to vote because they do not know who the candidates are or what they propose, or they do not wish to do so. Finally, what has happened over the years is that people are less and less interested in exercising their right to vote. But if we want to make a change, it is important to exercise this right that it has been given to us, because we cannot let others decide for us if we had the choice in our hands. I think it is better to try than to sit idly, anyway, we do not lose anything, right? If we cannot get civic education, at least we must try to do the change by ourselves.