
 Hi guys, today I am going to tell you what I think about religion. Well, to begin with you can say that my family is Christian, both my parents and my siblings were baptized, and we made our first communion. At the beginning I considered myself a Christian but as time went by that changed. I think it all started when at my first communion, when I had to receive the host, I remember that both my teacher and my mom told me that I didn't have to make faces but let me tell you that I didn't like the combination between the wine and the host. I'm sorry but I couldn't help but make a disgusted face. I was a kid, don't blame me haha. Later they scolded me for that XD

Nowadays I'm not a believer, but I respect all people and their different beliefs, I'm not the one to judge them. Religions are so diverse and complex, they make me wonder a lot of things, like if deities really exist in this world and watch us from up there. I would really like to learn about them and I think they could also teach me many things that would make me grow as a person.


  1. lol I always wanted to eat the host but I couldn't because I'm not baptized
    I think, just like you, that religions are a very interesting subject of study and that they have a lot of unknowns that it would be interesting to discover

  2. how many secrets are hidden that one day will come to light

  3. My first drink of wine was in my fist communion, now i blame them for my alcohol problems jaja, The only thing I miss about the masses is the host, i liked

  4. I was always very interested in knowing the taste of the host, I think that after reading your experience I will not be more lol


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