Healthcare System

Hi guys, today I will tell you what I think about the healthcare system in our country.

We know that health is a right, but unfortunately in many cases it is a privilege to have access to it.

An event that proved it to me was when in 2020 I was diagnosed with chronic lichenoid pityriasis, which is a skin disease in which small scabs appear on the body that cause some itching and that can only be treated with radiotherapy.  There was only one place in downtown Santiago where I could have the treatment. It was then that the obstacles began to appear. This meant that I had a long way to go, be treated in a place that charged a high fee for only being inside a machine for two minutes, and I had to do this three times a week. If everything went well, I would have to do all this for a month, but if not, I would have to prolong my treatment.

As much as I asked for an alternative treatment for my illness, the doctors told me it was the only way, so I had to postpone it. I didn't have the time to do it because of university classes, I didn't have the money and it was too far out of my reach. I am looking to have treatment in early 2022, since I would be on vacation and in a place where I could pay for my treatment. I must admit that I am a little afraid of prolonging this situation, because the doctors told me that in very advanced cases I could get cancer. But what else can I do? is it my fault that I live far away from hospitals specialized in my treatment? Is it my fault I can't afford it? is it my fault that I have become ill?

That is why I think that health is for some, because someone in a better economic situation than mine could have been treated as soon as he was diagnosed with the disease.


  1. I understand your situation very much and I am very sorry I hope everything goes well and you can recover soon

  2. How sad, it is discouraging to see that the health of the people in our country is not so relevant:(

  3. What a complicated situation when situations like this occur you suffer a reality shock or at least I think so. medicine is too expensive and only a few are able to pay it, in critical situations you must go into debt to save yourself
    This should not be like that, it is inhuman
    I hope you can pay for your treatment and that it does not get more complicated

  4. Hi cami, i hope you can get trated soon, is a shame that there are many cases like yours regarding the cost of treatments, it´s true health is a privilege but i hope that will change

  5. Too bad Cami, I hope you can undergo the treatment on time and that it does not happen to adults, with all the force <3

  6. you are absolutely right partner, accessing health is a privilege, it is very unfair, I hope you can resolve this situation friend, here are your colleagues to accompany you if you need it


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